Wednesday, 15 December 2010

The benefits of Organic Rose water

This natural organic rose water is a gently cleansing and toning product for all skin types. 

This pure organic rose floral water is passed through a UV filter to remove impurities without adding chemicals or preservatives to ensure your floral water arrives in peak condition.

It maintains the pH balance, stimulates regeneration processes, has a calming effect in acne and sunburns. As a result the skin texture becomes even and elastic.
Organic Rose water is recommended for acne and skin irritation. For nourishing and hydrating the skin and face moisturising the body after a shower or bath. Also rose water can be used on dry and damaged hair.

Rose also offers a soothing property to the nerves and emotional and psychological state of mind and is extensively used in perfumes and as an emollient in skin care products. It's tonic and soothing quality is useful for all skin types, especially mature, dry and sensitive, helpful for inflammation and reducing the visibility of broken capillaries. 

Quite often we are asked why our organic rose water costs so much less than other retailers and we can only reassure those by saying that just because something costs more it doesn't mean it is better.  This organic rose water is pure with nothing else added and Simply Essential UK buy this in bulk therefore passing the savings onto you.  

Available in spray PET bottles or refil 100ml only £2.75.

Click here to buy.

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